The Myanmar Geosciences Society is organizing an International Congress, the third international Congress on Geology,Resources and Geohazards of Myanmar (GEOMYANMAR 2018) , from 31st January to 2nd February, 2018.
The GEOMYANMAR Congress first held in 2012 was a premier geosciences event in the region and has been well attended by the Geosciences Community of the region. In addition to countries in Southeast Asia, GEOMYANMAR 2018 is intended to expand participation from geosciences communities worldwide to open a new chapter of Collaboration among international geological institutions. In this regard, the Myanmar Geosciences Society cordially invites all of you to participate in this event.
Presentation and panel discussion themes will be focused on:
1. New Research data on Myanmar Geology after four years of cooperation with Chinese
Academy of Sciences
2. Myanmar Geoscientists’ Research data
3. Others Researchers’ data on Geology of Myanmar
4. Mining industry
5. Oil & Gas industry
The tentative Programme consists of a 2 & 1/2-day Scientific Programme from 31s t January to 2nd February 2018, and a Post-Congress Fieldtrip from 3rd to 7th February, 2018.
More Info: GeoMyanmar 2018 First Circular